Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Blessing of Peace

For today’s devotional I give you an original poem written in 2010 and revised June 22, 2019. I pray reading the scripture and the poem will bless you. 
The Blessing of Peace
The Lord will give strength unto His people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.” -Psalm 29:11 (KJV)

May God give peace to you, my Christian brothers; and love, with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” -Ephesians 6:22 (TLB)

Today a brand new year
stretches before us like the pages
of an unwritten book.
In our country and in the world
turmoil exists;
there seems to be little peace,
a lack of trust, no rest from trouble,s
and absence of direction and purpose.

Yet within the heart of every child of God
it is possible to have peace, joy, gratitude,
love, hope and vitality.
These are gifts of promise
from the Almighty who orders the universe
and visits every believing heart, saying,
I will give strength to my people;
I will bless my people with peace.”

Peace is not a result of outward circumstances,
although we can be buffeted about by them.
Peace is a gift from God, as is love.
We love because He first loved us.
We have peace because He is the author of peace.
He will assist us to write “Peace” on the pages of our lives.
I know not what this new year holds, and good it is
that I cannot see the pitfalls, challenges ahead.

But these truths I know with assurance:
I walk with God; God walks with me.
In the pathway, with Him leading
there will be, every day and night,
peace, joy, gratitude, love, hope and vitality.
How do I know? Can I count these as reality?
Yes! How can I answer so emphatically?
Because I walk with God and He walks with me.

- Georgianne Ethelene Dyer Jones
(Composed January 10, 2010; revised June 22, 2019)