“In the beginning,
God created the heavens and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1 (ESV).
“I am the Alpha
and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” – Revelation 21:13.
I would never claim to have any special
insight about God the Creator, the Sustainer, the Provider, the God and Father
of us all. I pray to God, I love God, I
seek to serve Him, I rejoice that I am one of His own, created in His image,
endowed with a spirit that can reach out and communicate with Him. Recently I’ve read some old journals I’ve
written through the years, I found a meditation I wrote July 7, 2001 which I
entitled then, “God from A to Z.” Going
through our English alphabet A through Z, I sought to enumerate characteristics
of God that I wanted to think upon and understand.
The thought to do this exercise came
when I read Revelation 21:13. I studied classical
and New Testament Greek when I was a student of Dr. Edwin Johnston years ago at
Mercer University. Alpha and Omega, the
first and last letter of the Greek
alphabet, also stand for “the beginning and the end.” John, in writing the Revelation, seeking to
get to the truth of God, had God remind us:
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the
first and the last, the beginning and the end.” –God, A to Z. Could I seek to draw closer to God, to
understanding His nature, if I myself wrote a tribute to God using all the
letters of the alphabet? Rereading what
I wrote, and remembering from that time twelve years ago, I realize how
inadequate my tribute, how past finding out are God’s ways. But there are some things we can know about
God. Recorded history began with
God. What we say or write about God must
be said in human terms, and in the light of our own personal understanding of
Him. He is unique and infinite, so much
greater than our minds and the words expressing our thoughts can reach. But here are the beginnings of that long-ago
meditation; for form, using words of the letters of the alphabet. For extent—limited to my understanding and my
capability of expression. Since it is
long, I will give you a few letters at the time in my tribute to God. I hope you will write your own meditation and
think deeply about the marvelous attributes of a loving, omniscient, omnipotent
God who knows each of us by name.
A – God is Almighty, above all and in
all. He is Abba (Father). He is awesome in all aspects of His
nature. God is ageless and for all
ages. He is the Alpha, the beginning,
the One who was and is and forever shall be.
God is alongside me as I write this, encouraging me to anchor my life in
Him and ask Him for whatever I need. He
is aware of, awake to, and attentive to each person’s needs.
B—God is beyond our comprehension but
at the same time He assures that he is behind us, below us, and bearing us
along. God is benevolent. His beauty is infinite, His bounty limitless. He bears long with the belligerence of His
created beings. He is the Burden
Bearer. He is the Beginning and the
End. He is broader than our thoughts can
reach, yet He invites us to believe in Him, to know Him and to embrace Him.
C—God is creator. “Without Him was not anything made that was
made.” He is consistent, “the same
yesterday, today and forever.” He is
caring, “for He careth for you.” He is
considerate of the failings and shortcomings of His chosen ones, forgiving and
restoring them when we call on Him.
My A, B, C’s, God, fall far short.
But as I offer this tribute, it is from my heart, in gratitude that I
serve one who is unique, infinite, limitless and Almighty. Thank you Lord that You smile on my efforts
and continue revealing Yourself to me and to anyone who seeks You. Amen.
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