Sunday, November 23, 2014


I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.”

Thanksgiving is an act of worship. It is our gratitude directed toward God. Thanksgiving was central in Old Testament worship. It was also a vital element in Christian worship in the New Testament. Furthermore, we are advised in Scripture to be vigilant in giving thanks. Paul wrote this in 1 Thessalonians 5:18:
      “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
       concerning you.” (KJV)
Maybe we find it very difficult to follow the advice in this verse: “In everything give thanks?” we ask. What about our hardships? What about the times when we have losses in storms or some calamity? “In everything give thanks?”

Think of the hardships the Pilgrims endured on the journey to the New World and their first year here. Yet in 1621 Governor Bradford of Plymouth Colony and the Rev. William Brewster set a time for Thanksgiving. They invited Chief Massasoit, Squanto and the friendly Wampanoag Indians to help them celebrate. The day became so important that our government set a day for Thanksgiving. When we say ‘thanksgiving’ we think of a special day. Let us hope that, although it is a time of enjoying bounty, a feast of our favorite Thanksgiving menus, it is also a time when we count our blessings and truly give thanks for the reasons this Psalm declares:
      “The Lord is gracious and merciful,
      slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
      The Lord is good to all,
      and His mercy is over all that He has made
      All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord,
      and all your saints shall bless you!” -Psalm 145:8-10 (ESV).

What is on your Thanksgiving list this year? Remember to have a heart of gratitude for blessings large and small. Make your own “Catalogue of Thanks.”

For rest and comfort of each night,
For morning sun at dawn’s first light;
For water at my tap to drink
For family love and friendship’s link/
For food upon the table spread,
The fragrances of fresh-baked bread.
For clothes, for shelter overhead,
For every kind word fitly said;
For seasons changing, one on one,
For sorrow’s grief, laughter and fun;
The sum of every day’s felt needs,
For work and harmony that feeds
Our purposes for having life;
For being one with joy and strife;
For life abundant, salvation free,
A gift from Christ who died for me;
For all the fabric of my days
I lift my voice in thanks and praise.

-Ethelene Dyer Jones 11.23.2014

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