“And the crowds
that went before him and that followed him were shouting, ‘Hosanna
in the highest!’ And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was
stirred up saying, ‘Who is this?’ And the crowd said, ‘This is
the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.’ “ -Matthew
21:9-11 (ESV)
In our church year
we celebrate what we call “Palm Sunday,” or “Jesus’ Triumphal
Entry into Jerusalem.” When this event happened in the life of
Jesus, the beginning of the last week before His death and
resurrection, a great procession took place. Jesus arranged the ride
into Jerusalem on a colt, the foal of a donkey, on which no rider had
sat before. We know the story well. The crowds spread their coats
in His pathway and many cut palm branches to spread on the way and to
wave. The cry ‘Hosanna!’ was lifted, given with great
expectation and gladness.
Many speculated as
to whom this person was who rode into the holy city of Jerusalem on a
donkey. “He is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth,” many said. The
moment of glory drew attention to Jesus. Many had followed Him about
before; during this last week of His earthly life, people still
gathered to hear His words and to contemplate when the Messiah would
establish His earthly kingdom. They wanted Him to be the conquering
Messiah, the one who would free them from Roman oppression. The lowly
donkey on which He rode should have been a clue of His servitude and
humility. A conquering hero, a ruler, would have ridden in on a
stately horse to indicate his kingship. Jesus rode into the Holy
City humbly.
God’s plan was
bigger, including all races, all peoples. The prophet Isaiah and
others had foretold that the Messiah would give Himself as a ransom
for the people’s sins. (See Isaiah 53 4-8) Those who wanted a
different kind of kingdom than a spiritual one and salvation would
soon cry out, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him!” Jesus came to earth
to die. His was the holy, unblemished sacrificial death for the sins
of the people. “By His stripes we are healed” (1 Peter 2:24).
Now as we observe
Palm Sunday, we know the full account and the real reason for His
coming to earth and His sacrificial death. We know that He is indeed
Messiah, Savior, not just “a Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.”
On Palm Sunday we sometimes have a processional into our church
sanctuary, wave palm fronds, and say, “Hosanna in the highest!”
Today it is a cry heard universally wherever the gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ is proclaimed and accepted.
The triumphal entry
of Jesus into Jerusalem is remembered and reenacted to remind us that
Jesus the Christ finished the mission God sent Him to earth to do.
He is indeed our Savior and Lord. He is Redeemer and King of kings.
The time will come “when every knee shall bow and every tongue
shall confess that He is Lord!” (Romans 14:11, quoting Isaiah
45:23). That will be THE Palm Sunday when we
May we draw near to
Jesus, give Him our allegiance and exclaim with joy and assurance:
“Jesus is Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” Amen. - Ethelene Dyer
Jones 04.09.2017
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