Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prayer for Our Nation

“And His name will be the hope of all the world.” – Matthew 12:21 (citing “The Lord’s Chosen Servant” passage from Isaiah 42:1-4).  NLT

Our National Day of Prayer is set for Thursday, May 2, 2013. A national day of prayer was called in 1775 by the Continental Congress.  In 1952, Congress passed a bill calling for a National Day of Prayer.  President Harry S. Truman signed the bill into law.  In 1988, the law was amended to make the National Day of Prayer the first Thursday in May, annually. The 2013 observance will be the sixty-second consecutive annual National Day of Prayer.

“Pray for America” is the theme and the cry for the 2013 National Day of Prayer.  How desperately our nation needs the earnest, seeking, intercessory prayers of Christian people.  Mrs. Shirley Dobson, wife of the minister who has led in Faith for Families is serving as chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.  She urges that prayer leads us to know God better, to experience a fuller relationship with Him, to model ourselves after Christ, and to give ourselves to continued prayer. In his book, Prayer on Fire, Fred Hartley states:  “Prayer is what we do.  It is our initiative to meet God.” 

May we pray earnestly for these areas of America, seeking God’s forgiveness, intervention and leadership in (1) government, (2) business, (3) education, (4) the media, (5) the military and national and international affairs, (6), churches and  (7) families.  Let us join in community groups and pray individually.  May we invest in hope through prayer and ask God to transform our nation to one that fears Him and seeks His will and way.  –Ethelene Dyer Jones  04.28.2013.