Sunday, January 12, 2014

Considering a “Life Verse”

“I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at My word.” –Isaiah 66:2b (NLT).

Have you ever considered choosing a “life” verse, some specific Bible verse that will be a guide for you in the way you live and your attitude about life?  I had a letter recently from a missionary now serving on a foreign field.  I was privileged to be a teacher and mentor for this young lady when she was growing up.  In our youth group, she heard me teach about the value of choosing a life verse and seeking to live by the precepts we learned from it.  Some in that youth group chose Philippians 4:6; others Philippians 4:8; and still others chose Proverbs 3:5-6.  Their lives were strengthened by selecting a Bible verse that would help them set goals for conduct and living an upright life of anticipation.  Their chosen life verse showed they were expecting God to guide them.

Some change their “life verse” from time to time or select one to guide during a given year.  This same dedicated young missionary lady wrote me that she has chosen Isaiah 66:2b to be her life verse for 2014.  She is seeking to live humbly and contritely, and to tremble at the Word of God as Isaiah 66:2b teaches.  The speaker in the verse is God Himself.  He promises to bless those who live humbly (meekly, submissively) and contritely (penitently) and those who tremble at (stand in awe of, reverence, hold in highest esteem) the Word of God. 

In context, Isaiah 66:2b is from the last chapter of Isaiah.  The people are in exile, but Isaiah has predicted that the nation will soon be restored to their homeland of Israel.  They looked forward to return and rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem.  God made a very pertinent statement.  “Heaven is my home and earth is my footstool.”  Then He asked a question:  “Could you ever build a temple as good as that?  My hands have made both heaven and earth, and they are mine.  I, the Lord, have spoken!” (Isaiah 66:1). Having reminded the people of His sovereignty and might, He then instructed the people how they might please Him and seek His favor:  “I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at My word.”  We learn in context and from this focal “life verse” that ceremonies of worship can never take the place of an humble and contrite heart.  Do we tremble when we hear His Word read or when we read it for ourselves?  Only we can answer how we respect and honor God’s Word contained in our Bible.

Like my friend on a far away mission field, could we consider choosing a life verse to guide us during 2014?  And whether it is Isaiah 66:2b, as hers is, or another, may we seek humility in our daily walk and way, and may we hold in reverence the value and sacredness of God’s written word.  –Ethelene Dyer Jones  01.12.2013.

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