Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Blessing of Peace

“May the Lord  give strength to His people!  May the Lord bless His people with peace!” –Psalm 29:11 (ESV). “May God give peace to you, my Christian brothers, and love, with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” –Ephesians 6:23 (TLB).

Two prayers, very similar in nature, both asking God to grant the blessing of peace to His people, are quoted here from Psalm 29:11 and Ephesians 6:23.  We pray, quoting the disciples’ prayer, “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  We surely know that the will of the Father is for us to dwell together in peace and harmony, even as the heavenly realm enjoys the blessings of complete peace.

Most of 2014 stretches before us like the pages of an unwritten book
But in our country and in the world, turmoil exists.
Peace seems to evade us; we worry, fret, mistrust each other, go more deeply into multiple troubles.
Yet within the heart of every child of God it is possible to have peace, joy, gratitude, hope and vitality.
These are gifts  promised from the Almighty God who orders the Universe and visits believing hearts.
The psalmist prayed that God would give strength to His people, bless His people with peace.
Paul the apostle prayed that peace might come to Christians,  and likewise, love and faith.

Peace is not a result of outward circumstances.
Although we are buffeted about by them, we can still know peace.
How is this so?
Peace is a gift of God, as is His love.
We love because He first loved us.
We have peace because He is the author of peace.
He assists us to write “Peace” on the unwritten pages of our lives.
We know not what 2014 holds, and it is good that we do not have the clairvoyance to see ahead.
If we knew in advance, we might be so troubled, so worried that we would fail to seek God’s strength.
Like the Psalmist and Paul the Apostle, we need to pray for peace.
To grant us inward peace is God’s will for us.
One truth I can know with surety:  If I walk with God, He will walk with me.
If I know His blessing of peace in my heart, His peace will permeate my life.
In the pathway I walk with Him, there is always, every day and night, peace, joy, gratitude, hope, vitality.
Jesus promised:  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27).  Praise be to God for the blessings of peace!   -Ethelene Dyer Jones  01.19.2014

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