Tuesday, January 15, 2013


“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and  lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” –Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV).

Trust is an important aspect of solid relationships.  Trust is both a noun (in Greek, pepoithesis – confidence) and a verb (pisteuo –to believe in, to have confidence in).  I recall an incident from my early teen years.  I had a walk from our house about one-half mile to the school bus stop on the highway.  On a particular day, hard rains producing flash floods came while I was at school.  It was still raining hard when the bus neared my stop in the afternoon.  I wondered how I would get home, because along the route I had noticed how streams were flooded and how water swirled and eddied into the country roads and surrounding fields.  When my stop came, there was my father on one of our farm mules named Pet.  He had come to escort me safely home through that angry flood water between the bus stop and our house.  I remember how frightening it was to see the raging water as we made our way to our farmhouse.  But riding on Pet, and with Daddy leading the mule, I had every confidence that we would get safely home.  And we did.  I would not have understood the best path to take through the flood, but Daddy knew.  He was there to meet me and take me safely home.  Imagine with how much gratitude my prayers were offered to God that night for safe travel through the flood.  God invites us to trust Him completely to guide us through the pathway of life.  When we put our confidence in God, we don’t have to lean on our own understanding.  He provides the revelation we need as we proceed along storm-filled ways.  Trust is like reaching out your hand and placing it in the hand of one who knows the way already.

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