Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Prayer for Wisdom for Presidents and Rulers

Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” -1 Kings 3:9 (ESV)

The occasion of this prayer by King Solomon of Israel was soon after he began to reign following the death of his father, King David. Solomon’s reign was from about 970 -930 B. C. Solomon prayed for “an understanding mind.” He had a purpose in focus as he prayed for wisdom. He prayed for discernment between good and evil..He prayed that he might govern well the people over whom he reigned.

God’s response to Solomon’s prayer is noted in 1 Kings 3:10-14 (please read). God was pleased that King Solomon asked for understanding instead of long life and riches. God bestowed on Solomon “a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you.” (1 Kings 3: 12b). Furthermore, God also gave Solomon what he had not asked: riches and honor. And if Solomon would walk uprightly, keeping His statutes, Solomon was also promised long life.

I wish that an examination of King Solomon’s forty year reign as King of Israel showed him always following God’s statutes and living an astute and exemplary life. He did accomplish much and the nation prospered. The magnificent Temple was erected in Jerusalem during Solomon’s reign. He also built the king’s palace. Solomon’s prayer of dedication after the Ark of the Covenant had been placed in the Temple was a high and holy time in the life of the Israelite nation. This account of the Temple dedication and the lofty prayer is recorded in 1 Kings 8. Solomon ended his dedicatory address by saying to the people of Israel gathered at the Temple: “”Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the Lord our God, walking in His statutes and keeping His commandments, as at this day.” (I Kings 8;61).

President’s Day is observed the third Monday in February. It is a time when we remember in America that we have a government headed by a president. At every inauguration of presidents from the first, George Washington, to the incumbent, a Bible has been used in the oath of office and a prayer offered for the leader and his responsibilities. We as citizens are urged to pray for the leaders who serve our county.

We stand at a crucial point in our nation’s history. We see a weakening of the principles that have bound us and kept us “one nation under God.” May we, as Solomon, pray for understanding and wisdom for our nation’s leaders and that the president and his cabinet and others in responsible positions in government will have understanding, discernment, and determination to live uprightly and to rule honestly and with integrity.

Prayer: God, guide our nation’s current leaders. Give them understanding and discernment to lead and determination to follow Your statutes and rule with mercy, justice and righteousness. Amen.
-Ethelene Dyer Jones 02.15.2015

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