Sunday, September 8, 2013

Thoughts about God (D, E, F, G)

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1 (ESV)
“I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”  - Revelation 21:13

Whatever we say about God in seeking to know Him and His power, we can never exhaust the possibilities of His infinite nature.  In the first “Insights…” in this series of “Thoughts about God” using the alphabet to name his characteristics, I used words beginning with A, B, and C to describe God.

Today, we look at D, E, F,  and G.

D – God is dependable, delightful, desirous of my fellowship with Him, deliberately and dutifully keeping the delights of following Him in store for every day.  He is a magnanimous donor, revealed in how He provided manna in the wilderness to feed the Israelites freed from Egyptian bondage and how He provided water from the rock.  Likewise, daily He is ready to supply my needs.

E – God and Emmanuel are one.  Emmanuel is God with us.  He excels above all gods and is exalted above all gods; there is none except Him.  Some others called god exist in the minds of those who do not acknowledge the existence, exaltation and eternal nature of the everlasting God.

F – God is Father, faithful, forgiving, formidable, yet forever forming us into the image of His Son through the forge of life’s perplexities and trials.  As Father God, He never fails to love me, seek me, find me and forgive me.  He is forever near, as close as breathing.

G – God is God.  He is great and greatly to be praised.  He is full of grace, extending His unmerited favor to me.  He is glorious.  His glory fills heaven and earth.  He is generous, giving and gentle.  He goes beyond my greatest expectations to gather me (and all his children who choose to go to Him) into His gentle bosom.  How great is God and greatly to be praised.
                                                          -Ethelene Dyer Jones  09.08.2013

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Ethelene Jones, so good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am glad to stop by your blog "Insights and Inspiration on my Journey with God" and the post on it of dated 8th September " Thoughts about God (DEFG)". Thank you for your thoughts and inspitation. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 33 yrs in the great city Mumbai, a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted and to give new life, purpose,hope and life. We also encourage young as well as adults from the States to come to Mumbai on a short term missions trip to work with us. We would love to have you as you have your interest in traveling and meeting people as well as your grand children who are in their teens to come and work with us. It would be a great experience for them which would be a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon.
